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  • How do you give a christmas gift on klondike expedition

How do you give a christmas gift on klondike expedition

Your Gift Limit is a limit on the value of items you can receive from others as gifts. Everyone starts the game with a Barn building, which gives you a base Gift Limit of $55,000. That means you can receive items whose value is $55,000 or less, per day.

How do you get free money on Klondike?

- Make Gold Bars in the Crucible and sell them, - Complete orders for the Merchant Ship, - Get coins for completing quests, - Sell treasures to the Trader.

How do you get free energy on Klondike?

Here are a few ways to get energy and Klondike. You can complete quests and Traders orders or use the cauldron and the furnace.

How do I ask for gifts on Klondike?

Click the “+” button (add to the “I wish” list) near the item you are looking for, so that your friends could see what items you really need in the game. They will surely send them to you as a gift.

What are the rules for the gift game?

The RULES | How to Play That Gift Game. Play your cards to get your hands on the perfect present. The gift in front of you at the end of the game is yours to keep, but until then, it can be traded and passed between players. Each player brings one wrapped gift to the party.

How do you get gifts in Klondike?

Click the “Gifts” button in the bottom left part of the screen to see what gifts your friends have sent to you. You can accept a gift by cli... Click the “+” button (add to the “I wish” list) near the item you are looking for, so that your friends could see what items you really need

How do you get free emeralds in Klondike?

You can earn emeralds by spinning the wheel each day you log in, completing quests, and leveling up in the game. You can also purchase emeralds for real world currency; save money by waiting for one of the frequent sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get more energy in Klondike The Lost Expedition?

Sources of extra Energy
  1. One Bee Hive can be purchased in the Market. You then buy Flowers so the bees can collect honey.
  2. Visiting temporary locations usually yields a bonus of 100 or more energy.
  3. Visit neighbors from Forgotten Bay and clicking on building on their location sometimes yields extra energy.

How do you sell stuff on Klondike?

To sell an item from the storage:
  1. Tap the item.
  2. Choose the amount you want to sell.
  3. Tap the Sell button.

How do you get more coins in Klondike?

Coins can be obtained by opening hides, selling stuff you will not need in storage (Gold is pretty big money maker), complete quest, complete orders, and leveling up in the game. The most efficient crop time-wise to grow and sell are Beans=240 coins/hr or Cucumbers 204 coins/hr.


How do you trade in Klondike?
Trading is done via the Market Stall (a.k.a. Trader). 1 Trader allows for 3 trade offers. On the left you have what you are OFFERING, and on the right what you are ASKING FOR. Make sure to select not only the item but also the amount of it.
How to gift neighbors christmas present on klondike expedition
Tick the SHOW WHO NEEDS IT box and click the GIFT TO EVERYONE button to send an item to all your friends and neighbors who have it on their